Poor office - it always ends up with the bits and pieces that have no where else to go, is always last on the list for a de-clutter (for that very reason) and it is always the first place to start getting messy again after a big clean up.
I de-cluttered the office back in March 2011, but it didn't take long for it to start gaining stuff again and by January this year, it was to the point you could hardly get in there without tripping over something. It was so hard to find anything and certainly not I place I wanted to sit and work in, so monthly financials were left till year end-arghhh.
I knew there was loads of stuff in there that needed to either go to the dump or be re-homed and knew I just had to get it back under control. This time I was ruthless and by the time I had finished (2 boxes of paper based recycling, 4 large banana boxes of goods to the Op Shop, 3 large bags of rubbish and 1 large basket of stuff waiting to be re-homed later), it was even clearer than when I did it in March 2011.
It feels so good to have such a nice space to work again. Might even blog a little more frequently now?
Anyway, here are the before and after pics (don't fall off your chair Glenna!!!)
God, what a mess!
Now you can see why it was hard to work at this desk!
Is that the floor I see? (Glenna, don't fall off your chair!)
Way more floor space and the blue stacking baskets on the left of the photo will soon be gone also, once the goods in there are either sold on TradeMe, or re-homed too.
I look forward to working at this clean and organised desk.
Now I guess it's time to move onto the next room. Perhaps the studio.