Tuesday, October 10, 2017

And this time - even longer!!!

Just over 13 months to be exact.  So much has happened in that time.  We worked on the house till Christmas, then dad had his accident New Years and worked stopped for a while as we concentrated on him.  A ton of other stuff happened in between then and now too that I wont list on here.  Then work continued and we all but finished the house (a couple things on our to do list didn't get ticked off) and put it on the market.  Sadly, at this stage, looks like we missed the market boom by about 6 months, but that's ok.  We can sit back and enjoy the almost finished house for a while, instead of moving straight away, like we did with the last 2 houses and maybe even get those last few items ticked off and revisit the whole thing next year.

The weather has not been good for business and Mike and I had many enforced days off due to bad weather.  I also got quite sick this year for about 1 week short of 3 months, 5 courses of steroids and antibiotics couldn't shift it, but a good dose of crafting time with some lovely ladies soon sorted that out!

Everything else is going really well.  Taryn is still loving Uni and doing exceptionally well.  Jayden is back in robotics and has built and programmed an actual working robot this year.  His school results have also improved greatly from last year and he is racking up the NCEA credits with nearly 3/4 of what is needed already.

As for how everything will eventually play out, we continue to believe that what is meant to be, will be and so it will all work out in the end.  In previous years when things have not gone to plan and we have wondered what the heck?, things have come to pass that have made us realise that without A happening, B would never have been possible (much as sometimes we would have quite happily done without A!). So, Que Sera Sera