On Wednesday when I started to feel a little unwell (new head cold), I had a quiet day at home watching TV. Very unusual thing for me to do, although I must say I had it on the Food Channel. During one of the shows (in between a few chores and few naps) I caught the end of recipe on a caramel and pistachio cake. The photo doesn't do it any justice, as it tastes way better than it looks.
Anyway, I didn't catch the actual recipe, but thought I'd give it a go based on what I saw. Mine is a simple vanilla butter cake, with a praline top (made with pistachio nuts), which you basically crush up and scatter over once you have poured a warm thick sticky caramel sauce over the hot cake. The result is a light fluffy cake with a crispy, crunchy topping. It was divine on the day, real crunchy but also good 2 days later (although the topping had crystallised a little), as the girls and I polished it off at last night's Friday night crop Yum!
To make the praline - simply place 1/2 cup Castor sugar and 1/2 cup water in a thick bottomed saucepan over a medium heat and cook (without stirring) until it turns brown and starts to caramelise. Once the desired colour is reached, remove from heat, tip in the nuts, stir once quickly and tip out onto baking paper and allow to cool. Smash up when cold.
To make the caramel sauce, follow the above with 1/2 cup Castor sugar and 1 cup water and cook slowly till it thickens, then browns slightly, then pour over cake quickly and spread out, then sprinkle the smashed up praline over the top. It will all stick together and form a very crunchy topping. Enjoy!
Yum yum way fricken yum! Much yummer than I expected it to be!