Friday, April 18, 2008

Hi, I'm Carrie and I'm a ribbonholic!

It's been 13 days since my last ribbon purchase. My addiction started with fibres, but like many addicts, I soon moved onto something stronger and ribbons became my preference.
I didn't really realize I had a problem until trying to find the best method of storage. Those bought by the metre are hung through book rings, but I also had many prepackaged ribbons on small spools. I found containers for these (the clear ones on the left-hand side of the photo), but still have some odd ones to store (that's them in the box in the top left-hand corner).
So how bad is my addiction, well in my defence, not as bad as some I know (eh Tania?), but I counted them and without repeats (of which I have a few), there are 327 different ribbons. Tania by the way has over 400!! She's real bad huh?
Well ScrapCamp is next week and the plan is to use at least 10 different ribbons while I'm there and then be strong and fight the urge to buy more. Perhaps I'll even get really serious about it and give away some of my duplicate pieces? Well, on second thoughts, perhaps I'm not quite ready for that step yet, but soon maybe!

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