Friday, August 22, 2008

Essence Of a Woman

Was the title/theme of one of the journals from my current cicrle journal group. A topic to really make you think. What is at the core of us. What did we dream of as little girls, what do we still dream/yearn for. What makes us who we are. How have we changed, so many questions, way too many answers (and personal feelings) for a 2 page layout, but here is what I created.
I think I may have to do a small format book for myself to expand on this a little. I enjoyed this particular journal because it brought out things I hadn't thought about in ages. It sent me back to a box of old photos which I poured through recalling memories from long ago. It was good! Two more journals in the circle to complete, then mine will be back with me. I can't wait to see it. I have more layouts from other journals to post, but as most of them are from journals of people I know read this blog and whom I know are waiting to see their journals finished (and have resisted temptation to peek when I had them), I'll leave those posts till the circle is completed.

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