Friday, August 22, 2008

White Icing is OK too

Jayden misses out on a lot of treat foods, due to added colourings, preservatives etc. Last week Taryn was enjoying a cupcake with orange icing (from the master cupcake maker - Glenna), that we had saved for her from our workshop. Jayden said why didn't you save me one. I explained that it had orange food colouring, which he wasn't allowed. He looked at me as if I was stupid and said - "You could have just cut the icing off you know!" - Yeah I know that, but what fun is that?

So today as I started baking, I thought about this again and decided I'd make him a batch of cupcakes (for all of us to share), with plain butter icing (no added colours). I thought they were going to look boring, but they actually looked quite cute. Had to add in some cocoa to the last few, to keep the chocolate mad Mike happy too.

Hmmm, they taste good too!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't read your blog for sometime and what do i see my name in lights - okay no lights but it's still shining in my eyes. "Note to self" Jayden can only have plain white icing on a cupcake, before adding colouring to the rest.
