Monday, June 14, 2010

Mum and Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary

It seems today that not too many people make it to their Golden anniversary. So when Mum and Dad's anniversary started looming nearly a year ago, my sister Jo contacted us all and got the ball rolling on having a party for them. Jo and I did quite a bit of preparation work (shopping, cooking etc) and then more cooking on the night, so I didn't get out and take as many pictures as I would have liked, but here are a few from the night.

Firstly the cake. It is a solid fruit cake - one made from fruit I had soaking in rum, brandy, sherry and Marsala wine for nearly 2 years. It is mum's recipe and one I have baked each Christmas for the past 4-5 years now. It was so moist (despite dreaming it crumbled when they cut it - I guess not all my dreams come true thankfully). Jo made the gorgeous bow and gold hearts, then I iced the cake with fondant, she put all the decorations in place, then I piped around the bottom. Good combined effort and mum was really pleased with it (which was great, because she is a cake decorator and did all our wedding cakes, kids baptism cakes etc).

Next myself and my two sisters - Michelle (Mitch) in the middle and Jo on the right. Then a photo of my brother Brian (Bri or simply B, holding my gorgeous wee nephew Connor), as he was giving a lovely speech to Mum and Dad. He spoke about what wonderful parents they had been (and they really had and still are) and how they showered us with love and always had their hearts and the front door opens, no matter how many times some of us left and then went back home for a spell. he also spoke of how they helped us to follow the right paths (and I added in - "yeah and sometimes pull us back from the wrong ones"). It was a really lovely speech. Next is a photo of another nephew Matthew, who raised a toast to Nan and Pop. finally Mum and Dad cutting their cake. Damn it was good.

A good night all round. Congratulations Mum and Dad on your 50th Wedding Anniversary!

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