Monday, June 21, 2010

Time to go

In my seemingly never ending pursuit of de-cluttering the house, I have always seemed to put off getting rid of a few things. These things aren't of any great value, are certainly not of any use to us anymore and I should have gotten rid of some of them a long, long time ago, but somehow they always ended up getting missed in each round of Trademe listings, or items sent off to the fair, or the Op shop or simply given away.

Today I sat and started writing my "To Do" list, or 'Guilt' list as some call it, trying to make a start on tasks I either put off, or forget. These items made it to the list. Then it was there in black and white and I had to face the fact the whilst I had not really made any conscious decision to keep these items, they had hung around for way too long and I suddenly realised that these items represented the last of the pre-school items in our house (apart from a Shape-O which i intend to keep in the toy box for visiting babies). My children have grown up, are well past that stage and whilst I have no desire to go back to that stage, these items produced fond memories every time I saw them. I guess it can be hard letting go.

Two of the puzzles were bought for Taryn and so have been in our home for nearly 13
years! The other items were bought for Jayden.

I am proud to say they are now on trademe and will hopefully soon find a new home, with a new child/ren to love them. There are a couple of other items that will soon be joining them, but this time, I know they will go straight onto trademe or into the car to the Op shop, rather than get tucked away for another day. It really is time for them to go!

Now if I could just do the same for all the other stuff that needs to be sorted. Oh well baby steps (no pun intended).

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