Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Son the Diplomat - Not!!!

Today I ventured out with the kids to do the (well overdue) grocery shopping, which had been neglected seeing as last week was ScrapCamp. Both Jayden and Taryn (in between mucking around and play fighting) were moderately helpful, which made a nice change. At the checkout, Jayden wanted to be helpful as always (as so many ADHD kids are when they feel things are just not in 'order'), so he sorted the confectionery that had been turned the wrong way or put back in the wrong place, then proceed to help the checkout lady by passing her the items. I told him to just let the lady do it, but she insisted he was fine and just helping. I bet she wished she could eat her words as Jayden started handing them to her right in front the scanner and she had to keep checking which item had scanned, the one in her hand or the one in Jayden's. I could have stepped in again, but hey she said he was fine, so I figured okay lady I did try, so you cope with it then!
Then came my embarrassing karma for leaving her with Jayden - Jayden looked up and down the outside of the checkouts and promptly announced - hey look mum, all the checkout people are brown! Hmm! Yes Jayden, thanks for that and thanks for saying it in a loud announcing sort of way that turned a few heads from 2 checkouts in both directions!

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