Friday, May 22, 2009

New tricks for an old dog

When I was growing up, there were pretty well defined roles for mum and dad in our house. Mum did the house stuff, dad played sport and did DIY stuff around the house and basically never the twain did meet. Dad's now retired and mum works part time.

Yesterday, my washing machine went on the blink and I desperately needed to get 2 loads of washing done. I called Dad to see if I could swing by and use their machine. Upon arrival I set the first load in motion and asked how long their machine cycle was as I needed to go to the bank and do a few other things and would pop back in time to put the second load on. Dad said at least and hour, but not to worry about coming back in between as he would put the second load on! OK I said, a little fascinated by this fact, as I'm not sure my now 72 yr old dad had even touched a washing machine before retiring! So, off I headed and did all my banking and other bits and pieces. I was gone probably 3 hours. On the way home, I swung by mum and dads to collect the washing so I could take it home and hang it out and at least get it partially dry before nightfall.

When I arrived, there was dad, folding the last of my washing! He had not only put the second load on, but had dried both loads and folded them as well. This was weird. Really nice and greatly appreciated, but a weird sight all the same. My first thought - 'Who are you and what have you done with my father?' Never in a million years would I have ever dreamt of seeing my dad even partially domesticated.

I guess an old dog can learn new tricks after all!

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