Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

At camp clean, my friend Tania showed me a small book she had created to track her progress for a goal she had set herself for 2010. It was really neat. I decided to do something similar, to track how I was going in following my New Year's Resolutions. I haven't quite finished the book's cover, as I am still tossing up between a couple of possible titles but will add a photo when I do.
It is broken down into 3 categories:


Each has it's own set of resolutions/tasks to complete that are quite specific, but generally, they all add up to:

Improve the performance of the business:- Studio, stock levels, working hours, advertising.
Improve the quality of life for all in our home:- Tidier, less clutter, healthier meals, better routines, more family time, more relaxed home life.
Improve myself:- Healthier food, more exercise, night school/course.

Some of the more specific items have already been completed or commenced and it's great to get to the end of January and see that they have made a huge difference already. I think with the little book to track the progress I will be more inclined to follow through as I will want to be closing each month on a positive note and looking forward to adding the results to the book.

What are your resolutions and how will you track them?

1 comment:

  1. Just finished reading all of the your recent enries..what a crack up especially the one with Cannon looking up the dolls dress.

    Hint, hint - heard you LOUD and I have new recipe I know you'll love
