Friday, November 25, 2011

Weeks 10 & 11

Week 9 was a pretty poor week, so I did my usual in week 10 and tried to make up for it.  More exercise and better eating - 1.5kgs, so was happy with that.

Week 11 was so-so.  Was trying different foods and also let a few of my old triggers back in - mainly -waiting till I'm so hungry to eat that I eat too much or eat the wrong things.  But as soon as I had done it, I realised and tried to correct myself for the rest of the day. Lost 600gms.

Total now is 13.8, just 1.2 off my goal of 15kgs by Christmas, which is exactly 4 weeks and 2 days away, however so far this week have lost ZIP!  But, I have been having a little bit of this and a little bit of that and it is surprising how quickly it all adds up.  On Wednesday I sat down after dinner and thought back through my day and what I had eaten.  Definitely not that bad considering what I would previously have eaten, but trying one of the blueberry muffins right out of the oven and trying the new rice thins and having a scoop of the ice cream (even thought it was low fat), all on top of my regular meals and snacks, without making allowances or changes was actually about another 1000kjls for the day.  But, I keep reminding myself that even 1 bad day, or a slack week doesn't end the weight loss regime and that overall I am healthier and just need to keep going.

Too many times we have a bad day and think Oh, I've just blown my diet, but in reality, it's just a little bump.  A good way to look at it is this - draw a grid/table 7 columns across with 16 rows down (or roughly how many hours you are awake for each day).  Each column represents a day of the week, each box represents an hour in the day.  For each hour you are on track, or eating what you should be (or not eating - which means you are still on plan), colour the box green. when you go right off the rails and eat outside the plan, colour the box red, then just move on and try to keep on track.  At the end of the week, there may be the odd red box here and there, but overall you will see that most of the time you are on track, so just stick with it.

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