Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weeks 7 & 8

Week 7 after ScrapCamp wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting.  100gm loss, so given that I had eaten bacon, eggs, hash browns, chocolate crunch, brownie and ice cream (although in smaller quantities/portions than I would normally have done) I was quite happy with the end result.

Week 8 I decided that I again needed to get back to basics and went super stringent.  Lost 2.3kgs, so total now 11.6kgs.

When I started, I also wanted to keep track of measurements, so I could see how much I was losing in cms as well as kilos.  I measured upper arms, thighs, calves, chest, waist and hips - 9 measurements in total.  To date, I have lost 60cms from the 9 measured places. 10cms of that from my waist alone - yay.

Changes in these two weeks:

  • Living - I decided that even when dieting, we still need to be able to live and slot into whatever else is going on around us, not always being so strict, so I relaxed at camp, but ensured portions were smaller and then just made up for it the following week.
  • Everything in moderation - when I've wanted ice cream, I've had a small scoop of low fat ice cream and when I've felt like chocolate, I've had a couple of squares, rather than a couple of blocks or bars!  It's all a matter of balance.

1 comment:

  1. you go...!! I was sooo sick of reading about your success (lol) that I decided to get of my F.A and do something about it. Thanks for the inspiration
