Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yeah for long weekends

I love long weekends - 2 good sleep ins (although if you asked my hubby, he'd tell you I get one every morning, seeing as he does the breakfast thing with the kids and I get to sleep in till 7.45am) , loads of time to do those jobs you seem to have put off for a while and plenty of family time.

Yesterday was a semi spring cleaning day. The kids did their rooms, I cleaned out the fish tank, the kitchen, some of the studio and generally just did loads of housework and washing.

Mike then took the kids out to see his mum, brother and nephew and I took the opportunity to clear out the office a little and then decided to give the place a bit of a vacuum. As I started, I noticed the hose had split in an entirely new place. This old vacuum already had tape in 2 other places and had started making weird nosies lately, so the new hole was the final straw. So, with the knowledge that I had just sold some glazes on Trademe, I went out and bought a new one. A cheap one, but quite good for the price. I got a bagless one with a Hepa filter. I hadn't had a new vacuum for about 15 years, so I was very excited by the purchase and couldn't wait to get home and try it. It was then that I laughed out loud to myself (once in my car), realising that I use to get excited just before a race, back when I dabbled in a touch of motor sport, or excited as I thought about my upcoming jump as I went up in the plane, when I used to skydive and here I was, married with kids and all sensible and safe now, being excited over a new vacuum cleaner. Boy how my life has changed. The vacuum is damn good - we have majorly clean floors now!!

We had a very easy going balance of the day and a nice family dinner together. The kids stayed up till nearly 11pm and I went to bed not long after that. This morning they were up way too early, but that was kind of good for me, as I needed to be up getting organised to teach for a kids ceramic birthday party at 11am. Mike went off with the kids to my parents house and removed some rubbish for them and took a load to the tip. We all then went over to Don's place for a BBQ for Jayden's rugby coach's 30th birthday. We got home around 8.30, to give the kids a slightly earlier night tonight. I've just finished updating all the booking info and payments for camp and am now completely up to date!

A good weekend all round and the best part - there is still another day of it to go. Yeah for long weekends!

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