Thursday, September 15, 2011

A simple calculation

Of course I know losing weight is not really just a simple calculation and away you go.  If it was, I wouldn't have struggled with my weight for so many years.  However, at the root of it all is really the simple fact that for the better part, if you eat more than your body can burn in a day, you gain weight.

I used an on-line calculator, where you pop in your gender, age, height, current weight and activity level and it tells you how many calories you need to consume to maintain your current weight.  I have maintained the same weight for the better part of a year (within 1-2 kgs), so in theory then all I needed to do is eat less calories and I will lose weight, or exercise more and I will lose weight, or (as I am currently doing) a combination of the 2.  That's what I started a little over a week ago and it is certainly working.

I am however a real foodie at heart, so I know there are going to be hurdles along the way and little blips on the journey.  In addition, there are a multitude of little things I am changing in order for me to eat less each day (and remain satisfied) so it's not all easy-peasy, but when I put it into simple terms like the above, I know that with even the smallest of changes in either direction, weight will start to come off.  Keeping it real simple!

One of my best tips so far - my fridge always has Weight Watchers jelly in it.  It's virtually a 'free' food and so when I feel peckish or feel like something sweet, it's a guilt free indulgence.

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