Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 2

Another good week.  Happy to report another 1.9kgs are gone, making it 4.5kgs in my first 2 weeks.  This has made my BMI (Body Mass Index) drop by 1.6, which I am super pleased about. Wouldn't it be fantastic if it could be like that all the time, but I am being realistic and know that it will slow down very soon.

Last week saw the introduction of some daily exercises - namely stomach crunches and other abdominal exercises, for a just a few minutes each morning.  I'm sure somewhere deep in there lies muscles, so I am slowly trying to encourage them to work again and perhaps show themselves at some later stage - lol!

Had planned to get out walking, but the weather wasn't playing ball and having just gotten over 6 weeks of being so sick, wasn't gain to risk getting another dose -even if it was in the name of weight loss. This week however, I have added a bit more exercise.  Have started with a 20 minute workout each day (whilst still maintaining the earlier exercises introduced last week) - thanks to a super Trademe purchase 'Get fit with Mel B' for PS3.  RRP $109 - someone selling their unwanted gift copy -brand new in sealed box with resistance band -$29-yay!!!. Have also started parking as far away from the entrance as I can when I go to the shops.  The weather is also finally clearing, so hope to soon add in those walks 2-3 times a week.

Still struggling a bit with the water, but considering I was drinking hardly any at all and loads of coke zero, I am happy with getting through at least 1ltr per day and am down to usually just one Coke Zero each morning (my pick me up seeing as I don't do tea or coffee).

Changes for this week:

  • Planning ahead - some of my worst choices (food wise) are made when I am hungry and short on time, or something I have on, means coming home later than usual.  I'm learning to plan ahead more and be prepared, with a quick meal ready to reheat, or a slimmers shake/meal replacement just 2 mins away.
  • Checking labels - I've started checking labels and made some product changes to better suit weight loss. Not all products are created equally - especially the 'lite' or 'diet' ones.  I'm finding it pays to know all you can so you can make the best choice possible.
Have also seen a few more people this week who are also losing weight and this gives me even more inspiration.

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