Monday, August 16, 2010

16 eh?????

This weekend I decided to make my popular 'Ugly Biscuits (as we call them in this house).  They are super yum, made with jersey caramels and apple rings all chopped up and cooked in an oat biscuit base.  They are not however in any way 'pretty' looking biscuits!

It had been a while since I made them, so I had a quick look at the recipe - makes 16 - it said!  Hmm, 16, better do a double batch, 16 wont last long in this house.  So, I doubled the batch. I don't know how big their 16 biscuits were, but after 5 & 1/2 trays of baking, I had 64 biscuits.  64!!!!!

I filled Michael's large Tupperware biscuit box and still had biscuits left over, so I filled the kids biscuit box and then everyone happily taste tested at least 2 each.  Guess I won't have to do any baking for a while now huh?


  1. Yum! I love those cookies, hope there are some left next time I come ... or a goodie bag makes its way to me at the market on Sunday :)

  2. I'm sure I can pop a snack pack in my bag for the market! You'll just have to pick out the raisins!
